Monday, October 6, 2008


Well it has just about come to the end of the camping season. Next weekend and possibly the next and that will be it. I hate to see it go but on the other hand the drive there and back for the next couple of weeks will be beautiful. Yesterday as I was driving home I saw the first strokes of Mother Nature's paint brush on the trees and shrubs. Faint colors of gold, red, yellow all blending together in the groves of trees along route 30 east of Valparaiso. With the cold nights we have been getting I imagine that the ride to the camper the next two weekends will be a real treat. Next weekend should show the colors brighter and enveloping more of the landscape. Too bad it doesn't last longer and I really feel sorry for the people who can't get out into the countryside and enjoy this show of nature. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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