Saturday, April 28, 2012


This happened in Union Township, Indiana. This incident involved three 11-year-old girls, one 11-year-old boy and two 12-year-old boys.
As the girls put it they were hanging around in the trail area near the Salt Creek Commons subdivision on Tuesday and were approached by the boys.
One girl said the boys got mad when she threw a chair into a creek and then one of the boys shot her in the leg with a BB gun.
Another boy grabbed the gun and began shooting at all of the girls. Two of the girls fell into the creek and the third was pushed into the creek.  The girls said that one of the boys shot at them when they tried to get out of the water.
The boys said that they were only JOKING when they told the girls that they could not get out of the water.
The result is that the boys were released to their parents. All three were charged with battery in juvenile court and one of the boys was charged with criminal confinement which is a felony.
This is another example of why KIDS should not be given BB guns at this young because  "FORGIVE THEM FATHER FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO", buy them a book to read, that is only if they know how to read.

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