Saturday, December 24, 2011


Listening to the news yesterday morning I heard the usual, people getting shot, killed, robbed, teachers molesting students and so forth.  There was one thing that really made me perk and listen and that was our President Obama was on vacation. This was ok because he works hard and could use one. He took his family to Hawaii but he did come back to take care of business.  This was all fine until I heard the cost of this vacation. IT WAS 4 MILLION DOLLARS. What the hell can you do on a vacation for that kind of money? I guess the biggest question is who is paying for this?


Mike Golch said...

the same people that paid for all of the vacatios of all the previous presidents took,us taxpayers.

Ruth said...

I'd be more interested in finding out where that figure came from, there was a trip Hillary Clinton took to Asia not so long ago that the Republicans claimed cost several million dollars, when the actual figure came out it was less than $200K. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a similar situation. Four million dollars for a few days in Hawaii? That's insane.

Anonymous said...

When they publish information like that they do not tell you that they are including the cost of security (salaries of the secret service agents, cost of those agents travel and accommodations etc); the cost of running Airforce One, including fuel and salaries of staff; the cost of ground transportation; the cost of maintaining secure communications with the presidential office back in D.C.; the cost of additional security at whatever place the president and his family stayed. I'm sure they did nothing more lounge on a beach.

So the cost of what the president and his family actually did on their vacation was probably quite reasonable - the cost involved in the president traveling anywhere is all tied up in security.

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