Friday, January 13, 2012


It's here is the voice of a young child who has been waiting forever for the first major snowfall. My daughter woke my granddaughter up this morning to get ready for school. She jumped out of bed got dressed and put her snow pants on and started to outside to play in the snow. Mom caught her going out of the door and told her they had to go to grandpa's house to go to school. Granddaughter said that they had the day off, so a call to the neighbor was made and sure enough today is teacher conference day and there is no school. A nice four day weekend is in store because they are also off Monday for Martin Luther King day. My daughter said it would have been nice to know that there was no school today so we could sleep in longer.
At least you can say that the kids will get plenty of exercise today and will, hopefully, fall asleep early and sleep late for the next four days. God Bless them.

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