Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The State of Indiana Supreme Beings are now  back from Christmas break and will be voting for a RIGHT TO WORK bill that will affect thousands of union members of all trades, men who have gone to school and put in many hours learning their trades, and now they want to let people who are NON UNION members  with no schooling come in and start working the same jobs at a lower pay and less benefits.
My son worked for years at lesser jobs hoping to get into a trade and finally six or seven months ago he got into the Iron Workers Union. He work on the job plus goes to school once a week. He is at this point making a decent wage and hopes to increase that wage over the years. If they pass this RIGHT TO WORK BILL your unions will slowly disappear as well as the salaries.
At one time Indiana had a RIGHT TO WORK  and found out that it didn't work and repealed it. It will not create more jobs, just destroy what is already established.
It if does pass, remember who voted for it and vote them out of officer at election time.
We do not want the RIGHT TO WORK bill in INDIANA.

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