Thursday, February 16, 2012


Yes Whitney is gone to sing in the choir of Heaven.  She has left us with the memory of a lovely voice and her many, many songs to listen to for years to come. To me I guess her big moment of fame was when she appeared in the movie "The Bodyguard".

It is a shame that way she died will be remembered forever without the world knowing she was drunk and had drugs in her system. Will she be known as a druggie, alcholic and person who went downhill through life.  Is she to be remembered as a saint or not.

Who in the hell is this guy who wants to fly the flags at half mast in her honor. Did she die for our Country. NO. Let's fly the flag at half mast for all the men that come home in coffins from defending our Country. We have to draw the line somewhere folks and it is not with Whitney Houston.

She is not the only one to die a tragic death, so have other singers, actors, politicians and famous people who were involved in liquor and drugs. Maybe these people make too much money and have nothing better to do with their money and have so much free time on their hands.

1 comment:

Mike Golch said...

No she does not desreve to have the flaf at half staff. that should be reserved for those servicemen and women tha come home in coffins,and or the first responders that give their lives in the line of duty and heaven forbid our leaders that get assinated while in office, a singer or an actor,NO WAY!

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