Wednesday, April 20, 2011


For lack of something better to do I turned on "THE MAURY" show and I wasn't surprised to see that the format of the show hasn't changed since I watched it a few years ago. It was about paternity tests to determine if these men where the father of these children, and of course all these people did was yell, yell, yell and more yelling.

One high school student who is 17 years of age fathered 5 children by 5 different girls. All his mother said to him was that he has to be more careful. She buys him his condoms and is accusing the girls of putting holes in them just to have his baby because he is so good looking. Being good looking is OK but I for one think that he has fathered enough children for this world and should be taken care of so he can't produce anymore children. He is not paying for them so who do you think is?

Another guy who is 35 has a total of 29 children with one on the way by I don't know how many women. When asked if he knew the names of all the kids he said he wasn't sure. Does he support them? Only when he can was the answer. He prays on heavy set women with low self esteem, starts a relationship with them, gets them with child and good-bye. He too should be taken care of as not to be able to produce more children. Who do you think pays for them? Also women who keep having children with different men should only be allowed at the most three kids because we know they are just having them for the money they get from welfare. The hell with the ACLU and peoples rights. I'm trying to make ends meet without paying for someone elses baggage.

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