Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This is a true story told to me by my brother-in-law.
A friend of his who is a avid deer hunter went out and purchased a decoy doe. Anxious to try it out before the hunting season started he took into the forest, set it up in a clearing and climbed up to his tree stand. After about ten minutes a small buck came into the clearing checking out the doe, then a little larger buck came around checking out the waiting prize and then the big guy came around. Around and around he went before he approached the doe. You have to remember this doe was made out of plastic and the hunter paid $120.00 for it. As it was mating season the large buck decided to take this opportunity to do just that. Upon getting into position, his weight just crushed the decoy with legs breaking, head flying off and the trunk of the decoy being crushed by the buck's weight. The buck took off like a bat out of hell only turning around when he was at a safe distance to turn around to see what had just happened.
Despite losing his $120 investment his only wish was that he had, had a video camera.  I'm sure that would have been a winner on Funniest Home Video's.

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