Friday, September 28, 2007


Monday was the start of a new week, long week. I got the girls off to school and went to have a potty break to discover that I had blood coming from a place where it shouldn't come from. Being the chicken that I am I waited for my daughter to come home from work to get Delaney and I told her of my problem. She made an appointment with the doc for the next day because like I said, being the chicken that I am I would not go to the ER. When I went to the doc the next day he sent me right away to the ER. I was in the hospital Tues, Wed and came home Thursday. Seeing the I had not had a good physical since I left the Army in 1965 he found this to be a great time to give me the works. X-rays, CT scans, scopes and EKG. Thank God I went there were things in my colon that could have turned into the big C. All I can say that I will be going to the doc on a yearly basis and doing whatever he says. I suggest that you do the same.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Uncle Rich--that is so scary! I'm so glad you went--Please have Julie let us know when there is a need like that. I'm sure she was freaking out--I am--and I'm not even there! Take care of yourself--and I guess it's time to head back to the doctor myself--I haven't been since Barrett was born--and he's nearly 3! Let us know if you need anything!

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