Friday, October 24, 2008


Yes my friends today I had a procedure, one that invades the inner most being of an individual.
It all started yesterday about 5:00 pm when I had to drink a cleansing liquid called MoviPrep. Prior to that time I could only drink clear fluids and jello. Let me interject something here. Why do I have to pay $48.00 and my insurance company pay only $9.00 for something that makes me do the fifty yard dash to a shiny white bowl eight or nine time within a four hour period and then drink the same amount at 6:00 a.m. and do the same thing while trying to take a shower and get ready to go to the hospital at 10:00 to have someone invade my backside at 11:00. I should tell you that the amount of liquid comes to 48 ounces two times for a total of 96 ounces. My daughter Julie drove me to the hospital and I can tell you it is a scary feeling to be on your way and pray you don't have the feeling that you have to cleanse yourself further. Upon arriving at the hospital there are the usual 110 questions that I was asked the last time I was in the hospital. Then comes the insertion of the IV, fortunately this nurse was able to insert it on the first try, not like the last time when they could not find a vein. After this it was time to try and relax until they came to get me and deliver me to the "Procedure Room". My blood pressure was 212/189 so the lovely ladies there said try and relax we need to get your bp down. I did and it did come down to 181/164. The ladies injected something into my IV and as she did so said to me "good night". I was semi-awake for the procedure which didn't last long at all, then I heard the doctor say "done". He was happy with what he saw. So if he's happy I'm happy. Now I can enjoy my day.

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