Thursday, March 26, 2009

SurfRecon ERT - WHAT IS IT?

How many computers do you have in your work place? No matter how many you have there is always the opportunity for someone to bring up things that you as an employer do no want in your workplace. People sending e-mails back and forth, jokes, stories and the big no no being pornography. The first two can bring a slowdown to productivity but the latter, pornography, can open a new can of worms. All someone has to do is walk by and see someone looking at that stuff and bingo, LAWSUIT. As an employer you don't have to put up with that.
There is a company that can help you with this problem, if you have it, and that company can be found at The company name is SurfRecon ERT. ERT meaning Emergency Response Tool.
Don't create a hostile work environment, protect yourself by looking at the SurfRecon ERT website and learn about their product and costs. Ask questions that concern you. They are there to help you in protecting yourself and others in your work place. Log onto and judge for yourself. Don't put yourself at risk.
Keep in mind that SurfRecon is a PORNOGRAPHY DETECTION TOOL that can be used at work, school or at home, and there is the Elite Edition for police work.
Do yourself a favor and visit this site.

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