Sunday, March 15, 2009


Everybody keeps talking about the recession. What recession. If you listen to the politicians they will scare the hell out of you. But as in their campaign speeches they lie and lie. I believe that the figures that are put in front of them are wrong. If companies and stores are not making a billion dollars a week, we are in a recession.

Being a nice day I took my granddaughter out and we went to Alsip Nursery. The place was packed and people were buying. I think this place is high priced but shopping carts all had items in them, not cheap items either. On my way there I took note of the shopping mall and restaurant parking lots and they were full and people were walking to their cars carrying bags. So people are spending money and stores are making money. While I was out I bought gas, bought items at the store and ate as were everyone else I came across. Now if that is not spending money what is? There was so much traffic out there that you would think it was rush hour during a work week.

So the our faithful politicians who are looking out for us, shut your mouth's and quit crying wolf and look out for us a little better.

1 comment:

Jon said...

I have to say I agree. I was in town the other day and the place was full of shoppers eager to part with their hard earned cash. What makes it difficult for people is the banks not lending money. Unless the banks lend money we can't spend it and the crisis will only deepen.

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