Saturday, April 14, 2007


I was sleeping soundly at 7:15 a.m. when I heard this noise in the kitchen of my daughters house. I went to check it out and here were my grand kids sitting at the kitchen table with five beautifully wrapped Easter baskets sitting in front of them. Each was filled to the brim with toys and candy. Each child sitting there with eyes wide waiting for the command to take off the neatly prepared paper which my daughter Lorri put on so nicely the night before. The word "GO" was given and all heck broke loose. When it ended, all were happy with the contents of their baskets.
Lorri prepared an awesome meal of ham, beef brisket, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes with brown sugar, corn, rolls, green beans and whatever beverage you wanted. I didn't realize, but now that I counted faces, there were 17 people there for dinner. Good job Lorri.
As the sun was setting, it was time to have the egg hunt. Lorri went into the front yard and hid the eggs all over the yard. The video movies I have of this event are priceless. Eggs opened, prizes taken out and with everyone being happy with what they got, it was time to shower and go to bed for an exciting day at Sea World in San Antonio on Monday.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hey I wrpped the baskets to... Don't forget about me I even bought it all... Man the real easter bunny gets no credit. Now that I have my aughter DeLaney and I see how much stuff cost and like someone else gets all the credit (Hello Santa and the Easter Bunny) But it is all worth it just to see my daughters eyes and her excitement and all of that doesn't even matter. One day she will appreciate everything when she has kids. DAD I APPRECIATE EVERYTHING!!! LOVE YA... Jules

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