Sunday, April 15, 2007


The day after Easter was an exciting day for us. We went to Sea World in San Antonio, Texas. We awoke at 7:00 a.m. and were on the road at 8:00. It is just about a 2 hour drive from my daughters home to Sea World which opens at 10:00 a.m., we got there at 10:03. Being as I had purchased our tickets on line, we didn't have to wait in the existing long line to buy tickets. The first thing we did was of course hit the restrooms. The second thing we did was go to a large tank with about 8 dolphins in it. At this tank you could lay on the slanted stone wall and touch the dolphins who would come up to you for that purpose. The kids had a ball touching them. From there it was the Coral Reef, with sharks, stingrays and any other type of fish you could imagine. It was beautiful. Buy the was, since it owned by Budweiser, they have a hospitality house where you can relax and sample their product (2 glasses only), which is a good thing. Can you imagine if they had no limit. From there we went to the Dolphin show being careful not to sit in the "splash zone" seeing it was only 62 degrees out. What a wonderful show. Fast paced, loud music, fancy diving from the all over the theater and amazing tricks by the dolphins. It was a half hour show.
From there on the the big roller coaster (Steel Eel). This is not my kind of ride. Billy, Julie, Spencer and Serena were the brave ones.
The park theme this year is "HONOR OUR HERO'S'. When we went to see Shamu perform, it was very touching what they did. They asked all military personnel, past or present to stand and accept a round of applause. I'm proud to say I was part of the group that stood. Anyway that too was a wonderful show. It's amazing what they can do with those whales. After that we went to the kiddie rides and play park where we spent the rest of the day. At 6:00, which was their closing time, we stopped and bought our memory items (Shamu stuffed animals), went to our vans and headed home with lots of wonderful memories.

1 comment:

Julie said...

THANK YOU DAD for taking us all to Sea World I know for a fact that DeLaney and I had a GREAT time. THANK YOU. Well I enjoyed the part when I was the only one who was able to touch the dolpins (OK mom one day I will appreciate being tall) so of course I had to pick up all the kids and pray they touched one but we had to move on in the park to see everything. Oh yeah the beer was very refreshing. The Steel Eel was good the only thing I did not enjoy was my nephew sitting right behind me making noises like he was going to lose it and when we got off the ride he told us that he had threw up in his mouth but swalled it thank god cause I would have been upset with throw up in my hair for the rest of the day not to mention the bird that pooped on my forehead (thank you dad nd billie for taking those pictures of it for everyone to enjoy so I hope you guys enjoy) OK and right after the shamu show I was just missed by a millimeter from getting hit again was there something on my forehead (no pun intended) like a target? Well I had a blast and next time we are going to Florida right dad? Disney here we come.

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