Saturday, December 8, 2007


Angelica came home from school yesterday and said she didn't feel good and was going to lay down. She did and slept for a little over an hour. When she got up her cheeks were flushed and she felt warm. I took her temp and it was almost 102. Not having to deal with anything like this since my kids were small I got a little nervous. WHAT DO I DO? The parent thing kicked in and I knew just what to do. I gave her childrens chewable Tylenol. Within a half hour the fever was gone and she was her old self. I still made her lay on the sofa and watch tv and not run around. I checked her throughout the nite and took her temp this morning and it was normal. She said she felt good and had a good breakfast. Glad that is over.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm glad she is feeling better. As for your post on the stabbings, it turned my stomach too. They need to put those people in jail and throw away the key.

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