Friday, July 4, 2008


From the time I was a kid I loved fireworks. When I was a kid you could buy huge sets of fireworks from ads off the back of comic books. The fire crackers were cherry bombs, m-80s and I think some were like half sticks of dynamite, rockets, fountains. You name it and it was there. The price was usually around $10.00. When you unwrapped the fire crackers and added them to the cherry bombs and other things you would get an entire shopping bag full of stuff. One year, I was about 10, I went to the beach with some of my parents friends and we were going back to my house for a BBQ and fireworks. After we had been at the beach for a couple of hours this friend, an adult, told me I should put a shirt on because I was getting burned. Of course I didn't listen and by the time night came I looked like a lobster and my legs were so burned I could hardly walk. My dad was afraid that I would kill myself with the fire crackers so he took a railroad flare and stuck it into the shopping bag. What a show that was along with the bottle rockets, sky rockets and fountains. With my sunburn I was laid up for a few days and believe me I never did that again. In those days there was no such thing as sun block.
Just thought I would share that little 4th story with you. Have a great and safe 4th.

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