Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Yes, it happened. I was working on ENTRECARD Friday night dropping on my favorite people. I saw something that I did not recognize but clicked on it anyway. The screen that it brought up showed song titles, dates but the dates were back in the
80's or so. As I recall I didn't see another widget to click on so I went to the upper right hand corner to close it. Nothing happened. I hit escape and did all other usual things to get out of the window but it didn't move. So as a last resort I shut it down from the tower and went to bed. Next morning when I went to sign on, nothing came up. I couldn't get on. I am now using my daughters computer and am now afraid to click on any new widgets that appear on ENTRECARD.
Don't know how much is it going to cost to get my computer fixed. I've always wanted a laptop. Maybe this is a good time.
Be careful

1 comment:

Paul Eilers said...

My wife has had similar trouble dropping EntreCard. She had to have her computer cleaned and all of the software re-installed.

She wrote a post about how to protect yourself on her blog,

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