Monday, February 2, 2009


Let's forget about the nail biting football game of yesterday and reading about the 4 year old hero that saved his mothers life and was given the first Kid Award in Fort Wayne, Indiana. This young hero's name is Alex Hayes.
It seems that Alex found his mother lying at the bottom of the stairs unconscious after she had lost her balance and fell. This young man called 911 and sang a song to the 911 dispatcher. The song was his address that his mother had taught him when they moved into their new home 9 days before the accident occured. Some kids don't know their address or telephone number at an older age even if they lived in their home for years.
Alex Hayes is truly a hero. God Bless him.
It's good to see news articles like this one which are usually pushed back to bring us the news of murders, rapes or robberies. Let's put those on the back burner and bring forward all of the good ones.

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