Friday, June 26, 2009


Once upon a time, love songs were just that. Songs that spoke of love relating to a boy and girl or man and a woman. It told of tender feelings and futures togeather.
Have they changed now and how does it affect our society. I think they have changed in the respect of telling our young people that it's OK to have sex just because someone you just met says "I love you" with references to going to bed, performing sex acts and most of all these garbage rap singers demoralizing the young girls of this country. Modern day love songs are not that. They are crap. The only true love songs today are Country songs. Listen to them, they will touch your heart.
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1 comment:

Rob said...

Love songs have definitely changed for the worst over the last few decades. Gone are songs about loyalty and "faithfully" (cue Steve Perry song) and now music is all just about hedonistic carnality.

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