Monday, November 23, 2009


In every family there is always hope that someone will be famous. Whether it be a politician, lawyer, doctor or better yet an actor.
My grandson, Spencer, is a pretty husky kid as you can see from the picture. When he moved to Killeen, Texas and started school this semester he wanted to play football. The money wasn't available so he did the next best thing. He joined the Drama Club? At least he joined a school activity and is enjoying every minute of it. Spencer is always pretending to be one thing or another, a WWE wrestler throwing his brother Aiddin around or a Ninja, throwing his brother Aiddin around or playing cops and robbers, tying his brother Aiddin up as a prisoner. The Drama Club is right up his alley.
I heard from his mother that he has been chosen to play the part of Prince Charming in a school play in January and the part of a Lollipop Man in another play to be performed in February.
He is a good kid and if you ever met him you could not picture him playing these parts.
I'm happy for him because this is something that HE wants to do and is not being forced into it.
Good for you Spencer.

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