Saturday, January 1, 2011


Hope everyone had a nice New Year's Eve and not too many hangover's this morning. As tradition has it I was up early made coffee in preparation of watching the Rose Bowl Parade.
How many New Year's resolution were made last night and how many have been broken already.
All of the usual resolution I'm sure were made such as quit smoking, dieting, exercising, going to church more often, do better in school, be nicer to my wife or husband, perform better at work, be nicer to my work partner and maybe one of the biggest is to stop or cut back on drinking, going out or doing drugs.
There are two that I have promised myself to do which have started and am doing every well at and that is exercising and dieting, but I have only been awake about 3 1/2 hours. Started the diet at breakfast and have yet to exercise but the day is young.
Best of luck on your resolution and have a great year.

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