Monday, January 31, 2011


I live in the northern part of the county, born in Chicago and now live in northern Indiana. Over my extended lifetime I have witnessed many things, since I am 70 years of age, but nothing like I have witnesses this morning.
In the fall certain birds leave for the warmer climates and return in the spring when things start getting warmer. One bird that I am referring to is the Robin. They go and come like clock work every year. Today is January 31 with a temperature of 19 degrees and with a prediction of a major snowstorm coming tomorrow. There is a tree outside my window where I have my coffee and I was surprised to see Robins in that tree eating berries. At first I didn't pay any attention to them, there were at least 20 in the tree, and then it dawned on me that they should be gone where it is nice and warm, but here they were. Like I said, I have never, never in my lifetime seen Robin's here in the winter. Now that I know that they are here I will put food out for them and hope that they survive the winter that is left.
It's nice to see them but should they really be here

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