Monday, January 17, 2011


This past weekend was full of excitement with football both Saturday and Sunday. I hope your favorite team won, I know mine did. The big winner for me was the CHICAGO BEARS being that I was born in Chicago and live only 24 miles away from Soldier Field. Cant wait for next Sunday's game when they play the Green Bay Packers.
I will certainly hate to see the football season end but I will not miss all of the commercials, especially the phone and car commercials. The companies keep pushing and pushing new phones out so fast that they don't work as they should. AT&T keeps advertising their packages and to tell you the truth they have so many different packages that they don't know what they are offering the public anymore. You talk a different rep each time you call and each time you get a different answer. I'm still arguing with them about a package I bought in 2009.
One more thing, do you agree with me that the ref's are throwing flags just to throw them. The game would be an hour shorter if their were not so many penalties.

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