There are a number of web hosting companies out there, but they are not all the same. Some offer this and that and others promise this and that but I have found a web hosting company that is there for you. They are there to guide you to the best web hosting sites around. This site is called Web Hosting Geeks and they can be found at Through them you can find out which web hosting sites are good or bad. Review each and every one that is available through them, see what they have to offer and how much it is going to cost you per month or year. Read customer reviews given by past and current customers. Some good and some bad, but that's what you want, right. Check out one of their blog sites at and get their opinions and view on new things.
Web Hosting Geeks take web hosting very serious and they are there to do a good job for you. Log onto and see all the sites they have to offer and take your time reading about them. They might just be what your are looking for.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
It was such a nice day Friday that I loaded up the van and headed for the camper in Plymouth Indiana. Being the first time this year it's not exactly the most beautiful place on earth. There are thousands of leaves that need to be raked and of course the lawn has to be mowed and all of the decorations have to be put out. First things first, the water had to turned on and the hot water heater had to turned on also. With that done it was time to take a break and sit on the deck and gaze out onto the lake and reminisce about the days my wife Andie was there to enjoy another summer here. This is my third summer without her.
On Saturday I debated if I should rake and cut or rest and shop. I chose to rest and shop and
enjoy the day. I, at a very slow pace, put the various decorations out and went into town and stocked up on supplies. Later that evening I joined my friends around the campfire and chatted, laughed and essentially had a good time.
During the night the weather changed and it got cold. One advantage of having a park model camper is that I can flip the switch on the furnace and make it nice and toasty. Sunday was a cold and rainy day so I stayed indoors and watch tv.
As I sat on the couch which faces the sliding glass doors I noticed a robin flying back and forth with straw or grass in it beek, then I noticed he or she landed in the crook of the Red bud tree about 8 feet from the deck and start stuffing the materials into a nest it was making. I took a picture of the nest and will follow the progression of a family, if it happens, and write about it. You may also see the beauty of the Red bud tree when it is in bloom.
On Saturday I debated if I should rake and cut or rest and shop. I chose to rest and shop and
During the night the weather changed and it got cold. One advantage of having a park model camper is that I can flip the switch on the furnace and make it nice and toasty. Sunday was a cold and rainy day so I stayed indoors and watch tv.
As I sat on the couch which faces the sliding glass doors I noticed a robin flying back and forth with straw or grass in it beek, then I noticed he or she landed in the crook of the Red bud tree about 8 feet from the deck and start stuffing the materials into a nest it was making. I took a picture of the nest and will follow the progression of a family, if it happens, and write about it. You may also see the beauty of the Red bud tree when it is in bloom.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Like it says in the title of this blog love songs, cheating and American Idol. These questions appear in the dNeero survey below.
What would you do it you knew your partner cheated? Good question with the attitude that people have toward sex these days. Do you think songs have anything to do with it.
Who will win American Idol and do you care?
Let everyone know by taking the dNeero survey below.
What would you do it you knew your partner cheated? Good question with the attitude that people have toward sex these days. Do you think songs have anything to do with it.
Who will win American Idol and do you care?
Let everyone know by taking the dNeero survey below.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I know spring made it's appearance last month but yesterday was the true day of its arrival. It was around 9:00 a.m. and I was lying in bed (I can do that because I am retired) with the window open about 6 inches, just lying there relaxing and listening to the birds. Occasionally I would open my eyes to see if the sun was out, and it was because I could see the light coming in from behind the blinds.
As I said today is the true arrival of spring. The reason I say this is because in the midst of my twilight sleep and listening to the birds came this God awful roar which I knew at once was the grass cutter that would be here every Wednesday until mid October. This is not a bad thing because after it had done it's job and left, the sweet smell of freshly cut grass came in through the open window. These are the sweet times and I know that spring is here.
As I said today is the true arrival of spring. The reason I say this is because in the midst of my twilight sleep and listening to the birds came this God awful roar which I knew at once was the grass cutter that would be here every Wednesday until mid October. This is not a bad thing because after it had done it's job and left, the sweet smell of freshly cut grass came in through the open window. These are the sweet times and I know that spring is here.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter always brings the bunny who leaves tons and tons of candy and family and friends come later in the day to enjoy a lavish meal of ham, turkey and all of the trimmings that go along with it. I had asked my son to bring some desert and he shows up with a carrot cake, french silk pie, apple cheese pie, chocolate mint pie and my friend Dalene dropped off a lamb she had made for us and while I was out shopping I picked up some gourmet chocolate chip and sugar cookies. I do believe we had enough desert. Being a diabetic I didn't want all that cake and pie around so most of it went home with my son except for the lamb and a piece of carrot cake.
Last night while watching House I did a no no. I brought out a bag of leftover candy (3/4 of a bag) and during the course of House and Law and Order I ate the whole thing. Later I got hungry and had a small, no, very large piece of the lamb. I paid for it this morning when I took my blood glucose count. It was high, very high. Lets say 257. Not good.
Thank God Easter is over and I can now get back to normal, start working out and get into my speedo for the summer. Can you imagine a heavy set older gentleman in a speedo? Nightmare.
In any case I have to start being good.
Last night while watching House I did a no no. I brought out a bag of leftover candy (3/4 of a bag) and during the course of House and Law and Order I ate the whole thing. Later I got hungry and had a small, no, very large piece of the lamb. I paid for it this morning when I took my blood glucose count. It was high, very high. Lets say 257. Not good.
Thank God Easter is over and I can now get back to normal, start working out and get into my speedo for the summer. Can you imagine a heavy set older gentleman in a speedo? Nightmare.
In any case I have to start being good.
Monday, April 13, 2009
For years Buddha's have been around either as a idol to rub his stomach for good luck, pray to or just to add atmosphere for decoration. Restaurant's have them which gives a calming affect to dining. Doctor's offices have them to calm the nerves. If you are in need of Buddha Statues, I would recommend visiting Buddha Groove at This is a place that has a large selection of statues, jewelry, wall art, home decor and clothing. Buddha's have a relaxing affect on people so why not bring one into your home. Buddha Groove have gift boxes so you can give that perfect unique gift to someone special.
Their Buddha's are made of various materials such as wood, metal, brass and resin and come in various colors. They also have a nice selection of books to read and learn about Buddha.
I found out by visiting the website and Buddha means "The Awakened One". Just thought I'd throw in a little bit of knowledge.
Buddha Groove has desk accessories, candle holders and incense holders if you are inclined to use these items. And of course there is free shipping on most items. Take advantage of that.
If you are truly interested or just want to look, log on to and see what they have to offer.
Their Buddha's are made of various materials such as wood, metal, brass and resin and come in various colors. They also have a nice selection of books to read and learn about Buddha.
I found out by visiting the website and Buddha means "The Awakened One". Just thought I'd throw in a little bit of knowledge.
Buddha Groove has desk accessories, candle holders and incense holders if you are inclined to use these items. And of course there is free shipping on most items. Take advantage of that.
If you are truly interested or just want to look, log on to and see what they have to offer.
In 2007 when my daughter and the kids were in from Texas I took Julie, Delaney, Lorri, Spencer, Angelica and Aiddin to see Medieval Times in Schaumburg, IL. Spectacular show and food. Excitement from the moment you walk in. You sit around a large arena, eat and watch the entertainment which includes horsemanship, jousting, sword fights and special contests. Of course they are selling all sorts of things to remind one that they have been there and witnessed this spectacle. On the way out Julie said she would be each child a souvenir. The girls chose something sweet and pretty and of course the boys choose the swords. At that moment I said "nothing good will come of this".
Yesterday, Eater, I was talking to my daughter Lorri in Texas and during one point of the conversation she said "remember the swords you bought the boys at Medieval Times" and I corrected her by saying her sister bought them, she agreed and said that's right you said no good will come from this. She said on Saturday the boys were playing with the swords (I was surprised they still had them after two years) and Spencer came into the living room and said he accidentally hit Aiddin in the nose you better come look. Lorri being as calm as she is said send him here and let me look. When Aiddin arrived, not crying, he had blood running down his nose and some in his eye. After being cleaned up there was a deep gash on the bridge of his nose. Actually it looked worse than it was. Mom who works in a nursing home and watches nurses close wounds, closed it with a bandage like she saw a nurse do it. Low and behold it just has a little scab and is good as new. Needless to say the boys do not play fight with the swords anymore.
Yesterday, Eater, I was talking to my daughter Lorri in Texas and during one point of the conversation she said "remember the swords you bought the boys at Medieval Times" and I corrected her by saying her sister bought them, she agreed and said that's right you said no good will come from this. She said on Saturday the boys were playing with the swords (I was surprised they still had them after two years) and Spencer came into the living room and said he accidentally hit Aiddin in the nose you better come look. Lorri being as calm as she is said send him here and let me look. When Aiddin arrived, not crying, he had blood running down his nose and some in his eye. After being cleaned up there was a deep gash on the bridge of his nose. Actually it looked worse than it was. Mom who works in a nursing home and watches nurses close wounds, closed it with a bandage like she saw a nurse do it. Low and behold it just has a little scab and is good as new. Needless to say the boys do not play fight with the swords anymore.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
To all who read this I would like to wish you and yours a very happy and blessed Easter. Enjoy the Easter Bunny's gifts but also remember what this day is about.
Have a safe holiday. Don't eat to much.
Have a safe holiday. Don't eat to much.
Friday, April 10, 2009
If you are like me, I like to be unique in the design and furnishing of my home. Each of us has their own feelings about their furnishings. If you are into the western style furniture I can steer you to just the place that can supply all of your needs. That place is Scenic Furniture at Just think of a living room, bedroom, patio or kitchen with western furniture and decor. For some reason western furniture has always given me a nice relaxed feeling of living in the old west. At Scenic Furniture there is a large selection of everything you may need.
At this website you can choose from rustic furniture, log furniture, home office furniture and country decor. If you have any questions you can call them at 1-800-686-0904 about ordering.
Relax in western surroundings by visiting
At this website you can choose from rustic furniture, log furniture, home office furniture and country decor. If you have any questions you can call them at 1-800-686-0904 about ordering.
Relax in western surroundings by visiting
Thursday, April 9, 2009
It's coming, it's coming. The opening of the Yogi Bear Camp Resort in Plymouth Indiana. That special day is May 1, 2009. Of course if you are a lot owner you can get in now and start the camping season off now.
In checking my camper this year I have discovered that I will need a new roof, a small water spot on my ceiling tipped me off to that. The camper is 10 years old so I guess it's about time.
After this long cold winter I am really looking forward to seeing friends from far and near, catching up on the news and hearing new jokes as we sit around the camp fire. Got to get the golf cart, the preferred mode of transportation, spruced up so I can take my daily ride around the park and see what is new in the way of additions of new campers and remodeling going on. No matter how many times one rides around the park you never get tired of doing it unless of course you run out of gas or the cart breaks down and you have to push it.
I will be going out there the weekend after Easter. Am really looking forward to it. A lot of snowbirds should have arrived by then and the general store should be open.
If you are a camper, come on out and see us. Visit on line and check out rates and activities and special weekends at
In checking my camper this year I have discovered that I will need a new roof, a small water spot on my ceiling tipped me off to that. The camper is 10 years old so I guess it's about time.
After this long cold winter I am really looking forward to seeing friends from far and near, catching up on the news and hearing new jokes as we sit around the camp fire. Got to get the golf cart, the preferred mode of transportation, spruced up so I can take my daily ride around the park and see what is new in the way of additions of new campers and remodeling going on. No matter how many times one rides around the park you never get tired of doing it unless of course you run out of gas or the cart breaks down and you have to push it.
I will be going out there the weekend after Easter. Am really looking forward to it. A lot of snowbirds should have arrived by then and the general store should be open.
If you are a camper, come on out and see us. Visit on line and check out rates and activities and special weekends at
Thank you dickster1961 for the comment you left for my Happy Birthday Andie blog. It's always nice to know that people do read my blogs.
Once again, thanks.
Once again, thanks.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
It is a fact that lung cancer is a killer of adults and yes children. What causes it in children and people that do not smoke. Second hand smoke and factory smoke or fumes.
What do you think? Voice your opinion through the dNeero survey below. Let yourself be heard.
What do you think? Voice your opinion through the dNeero survey below. Let yourself be heard.
I'm sorry I just got around to this now, but a week ago Tuesday, March 31, was the birthday of a very special lady, My wife Andie.
I wish that I could have bought her a gift of diamonds like I always do, have a special dinner for her and have the kids and grand kids over and watch her open gifts, sing happy birthday and give her a kiss and then watch her cut the cake that would have written on it something of a special meaning.
She is now celebrating her birthday with that part of the family who has left us and are now in heaven. With being in that place and surrounded by family I know she had a wonderful birthday party.
Happy Birthday Andie,
Love Rich.
I wish that I could have bought her a gift of diamonds like I always do, have a special dinner for her and have the kids and grand kids over and watch her open gifts, sing happy birthday and give her a kiss and then watch her cut the cake that would have written on it something of a special meaning.
She is now celebrating her birthday with that part of the family who has left us and are now in heaven. With being in that place and surrounded by family I know she had a wonderful birthday party.
Happy Birthday Andie,
Love Rich.
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