Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Easter always brings the bunny who leaves tons and tons of candy and family and friends come later in the day to enjoy a lavish meal of ham, turkey and all of the trimmings that go along with it. I had asked my son to bring some desert and he shows up with a carrot cake, french silk pie, apple cheese pie, chocolate mint pie and my friend Dalene dropped off a lamb she had made for us and while I was out shopping I picked up some gourmet chocolate chip and sugar cookies. I do believe we had enough desert. Being a diabetic I didn't want all that cake and pie around so most of it went home with my son except for the lamb and a piece of carrot cake.
Last night while watching House I did a no no. I brought out a bag of leftover candy (3/4 of a bag) and during the course of House and Law and Order I ate the whole thing. Later I got hungry and had a small, no, very large piece of the lamb. I paid for it this morning when I took my blood glucose count. It was high, very high. Lets say 257. Not good.
Thank God Easter is over and I can now get back to normal, start working out and get into my speedo for the summer. Can you imagine a heavy set older gentleman in a speedo? Nightmare.
In any case I have to start being good.

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