Monday, April 13, 2009


In 2007 when my daughter and the kids were in from Texas I took Julie, Delaney, Lorri, Spencer, Angelica and Aiddin to see Medieval Times in Schaumburg, IL. Spectacular show and food. Excitement from the moment you walk in. You sit around a large arena, eat and watch the entertainment which includes horsemanship, jousting, sword fights and special contests. Of course they are selling all sorts of things to remind one that they have been there and witnessed this spectacle. On the way out Julie said she would be each child a souvenir. The girls chose something sweet and pretty and of course the boys choose the swords. At that moment I said "nothing good will come of this".
Yesterday, Eater, I was talking to my daughter Lorri in Texas and during one point of the conversation she said "remember the swords you bought the boys at Medieval Times" and I corrected her by saying her sister bought them, she agreed and said that's right you said no good will come from this. She said on Saturday the boys were playing with the swords (I was surprised they still had them after two years) and Spencer came into the living room and said he accidentally hit Aiddin in the nose you better come look. Lorri being as calm as she is said send him here and let me look. When Aiddin arrived, not crying, he had blood running down his nose and some in his eye. After being cleaned up there was a deep gash on the bridge of his nose. Actually it looked worse than it was. Mom who works in a nursing home and watches nurses close wounds, closed it with a bandage like she saw a nurse do it. Low and behold it just has a little scab and is good as new. Needless to say the boys do not play fight with the swords anymore.

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