Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It's going to snow and snow and snow and snow, at least that is what the weatherman is saying in the Chicago land area which includes where I live in Northwest Indiana. They called for about two inches to fall last night, which it did, and then the BIG storm will start about 3:00 this afternoon. It is just two now and it has already started. It is supposed to continue until 3 tomorrow. Already the radio and tv are announcing school closings and cancelled after school activities and other things in the area.
Like everyonelse I headed for the store to get the necessities to survive the storm should it be necessary. But as I think about is what good will microwave dinners do it there is no electric. Might be eating a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cereal with cold milk. Cold milk might be a bad idea it there is no heat.
This mornings newspaper as usual has put the fear of God into the region with it's prediction of what could happen and what will happen.
If the BIG storm does hit, don't go out unless necessary and check on your neighbors, and most of all pray that the weatherman is wrong like he is most of the time.

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