Friday, January 16, 2009


Ubercool what is it. It is a next generation marketing service that creates and produces innovative branded entertainment properties aimed at the upper echelon of today's society, including trend watchers and trendsetters. To check them out go to to find out more about them.
Ubercool LLC was founded in March of 2005 by Michael Tehong, noted public speaker and trend analyst. It is a Internet marketing service that develops and produces Broadway and Hollywood caliber branded entertainment events put upscale audiences in innovative online and offline infotainment.
Mr. Tehong is the founder of MacWEEK and ICONOCAST which produced multi-million dollar conferences. Michael believes that the successful organizations of tomorrow will address the changing consumer lifestyles of today.
Also on this website you can listen testimonials and look at the speaking engagement calendar to see where he is making a presentation that is poised at Reinventing America. Do that today.

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