Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My grandson Spencer who lives in Texas broke his arm some time ago while riding his Razor skate board which I bought him for his birthday. One thought comes to mind. I am responsible?. Maybe not. Well anyway he wore this beautiful blue arm cast for eight weeks. The cast was supposed to come off on December 23, but mom forgot and missed the appointment. The new appointment was set for yesterday 1-13 at 3:00. This time mom remembered and she, Spencer, Angelica and Aiddin arrived at the Dr's office to witness the removal of the cast. All were gathered around Spencer when the Dr. sawed the cast off and what a surprise they got. The arm being in this cast for so long with showers, sweating and what not stunk, stank, smelled (whatever you want to call it) so bad that they all almost threw up. They gaged but did not throw up. The Dr. asked Spencer if he wanted to keep the cast and Lorri (mom) popped up and said no but Spencer insisted they keep it. It was put into a bag which was not big enough for it and presented it to Spencer who proudly walked through the waiting room carrying it.
Mom had some shopping to do so when they went into Wal-Mart they left the cast in the van. It was 88 degrees out. When they returned over an hour later and opened the door, the smell almost knocked them out. They had to leave the windows open on their ride back to Shiner from Victoria, Texas. At this time the cast sits in a place of honor outside on the deck until it is possible to bring it into Spencer's room.


GagayMD said...


Dropping by here..sniffing new infos and parking for a while..i also dropped EC and kissed your ads..

Hope to see you at mine! Take care!

GagayMD said...

hop..hop..hop..Dropping by here..sniffing new infos and parking for a while..i also dropped EC and kissed your ads..

Hope to see you at mine! Take care!

gagay ^^

Karen said...

LOL that is so funny. What is it with kids wanting to save weird stuff?

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