Thursday, January 22, 2009


Now that Spencer has his cast off, things are pretty much back to normal. For Christmas he and his brother, Aiddin got Star Wars Light Swords and since Spencer's arm was in a cast he was pretty limited as to what he could do. Spencer and Aiddin like to sword fight with their swords but I think that they have been put away for awhile. Reason: The two boys were sword fighting in the living room and were told by mom to go outside. They can do this since they live in Texas and the temp is in the 80's.
Boys just don't listen. The battle went on without paying attention to mom's words. Things did come to an abrupt end. Picture this. Two young boys sword fighting with rather long swords. Dog sleeping on couch. End table at end of couch with a lamp on it. Sword fight heats up, Spencer takes a wild swing at Aiddin and sword comes down and smacks sleeping dog. Dog gets the daylights scared out of him, jumps up and takes off toward end of couch knocking lamp off of the table. Did lamp break? It sure did. Spencer and Aiddin stand there with mouths open as mom approaches. Both start crying before she even gets there to inflict punishment. Both get a smack on the butt, time in the corner and swords put away until, who knows.
As I always say, "boys will be boys" and "what goes around comes around." Right mom?

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