Saturday, December 5, 2009


Got the grandkids off to school this morning and after that read the paper. When I got finished with that it was time for my programs to start. Match Game, Family Fued, Lets Made A Deal and The Price is Right and to finish it off I watch the eleven o'clock news. After all that it is ho hum what do I do now. The answer to that today was put up the Christmas tree. That I did. I always enjoy doing that and seeing the special ornaments that my wife and I and the kids made over the years. I'm 69 so there are quite a few memories hanging on the tree. With all the boxes put away and the floor vacuumed it was time to eat dinner and watch some tv. I think I fell asleep in the rocking chair around 10 and woke up at 2:30, shut everything off and went to bed. Tossed and turned and tossed and turned. Heard the clock chime at 3 and again at 4, still wasn't asleep at 4:30 so I got up, put on a pot of coffee, started a load of clothes and now here I sit in front of the computer writing this after checking e-mails.
Received an e-mail from my daughters boy friend in Iraq and he asked me for permission to marry my daughter. This came last week. Today I received another e-mail with a picture of the ring he ordered from a jeweler in New York. She doesn't know about the ring so she will be surprised. Good luck to them.

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