Saturday, December 5, 2009


I click on blogs through ENTRECARD. It's fun and there are many, many interesting and funny bloggers out there.
There is one thing I must say and this is geared to the cooks and people who put recipes for all to see, read, cook or bake. There are many good ones and I am glad that you folks share your favorite or ethnic meals. It opens up a whole new world for our taste buds. These is one thing that you might want to consider before sharing with us and that is "should I take a picture of this dish". The reason I say this is that although it looks good on a plate and presented well on your table, it may look entirely different in a picture that you share with us. Sometime the colors come out different and then it doesn't look good. Some do and some do not.
Please keep supply us with your favorite dishes because they are truly wonderful. Being alone I do use many of them.

1 comment:


hahaha. The way food looks in pictures can either make you want it, or make you want to retch.

Nice post.

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