Thursday, November 29, 2007


Are you tired of being heavy and not looking good in your clothes? Well you can change all that by having a procedure done called LAPBAND. What if does is reduce the stomach capacity and restricts the amount of food that can be consumed at one time. During the procedure your Journey Lite surgeon will use laparoscopic techniques. What this really means that the surgeon will make tiny incisions (rather than a large incision) and insert special longshafted instruments through these tiny incisions in order to wrap the inflatable silicone band around the upper part of your stomach. In doing this a new stomach pouch is created and that limits and controls the amount of food that you eat. You will be monitered so that any adjustments to the band can be made for your comfort and controlled weight loss. They have offices in Los Angeles, Houston and Tampa. Look them up at
My daughter had this procedure done and she really looks great. She lost 50+ pounds and has a new wordrobe. So lapband Tampa, Houston or Loa Angeles is where to go.

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