Monday, November 19, 2007


I was watching the Magnificent Mile Lights Festival parade Saturday evening which was a total bust when a commercial came on for the Illinois Lottery and this bozo saying 'LET TAKE A STEP BACK AND REMEMBER WHAT THE HOLIDAYS ARE ALL ABOUT. GIVING. BUY A LOTTO TICKET. Yes, let's take a step back, way back and remember what this is all about. It is not giving it is the birth of CHRIST. Get rid of all this buying and giving. How many families go broke during this time. When I was a kid, a long time ago, I knew what Christmas was all about and we called it Christmas not the Holidays. Lets not buy a Lotto ticket and lets cut back on the giving and make ourselves go into debt just to make the retailers happy. They are the ones who make out in the end, not us. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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