Saturday, April 5, 2008


Today is Saturday and not having to get up early to get Spencer to school, my daughter takes advantage of this day to sleep in a little. Upon waking this morning she checked the boys room and Spencer was snoring and smiling, probably dreaming about Transformers or something. Aiddins bed was empty. Looking around and not being able to find him her biggest fear was that Aiddin must have gotten out of the house and was wandering the neighborhood. She looked out front and in the yard, no Aiddin. As a matter of fact the dogs were gone too. With the house being quiet she went from room to room listening for any sound of life. Her bedroom. Nothing. The spare bedroom, nothing so she went back into the boys room where Spencer was still snoring and smiling. Upon listening again the sound of crunch, crunch was coming from under the bed. She looked under there and there was Aiddin and the two dogs sharing a box of Captain Crunch for breakfast. They must have been under there awhile because it was a new box of cereal and now it was about a quarter full. When they came out from under the bed the dogs were licking their chops and had full bellies and the first thing out of Aiddins mouth was, "mommy make pancakes". I tell you that little guy is full of surprises and good stories.
Have a good day!!

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