Monday, February 7, 2011


The long awaited Super Bowl was played yesterday in Texas. I never did hear how many people attended this event but by the looks of it there were a lot including Mr. and Mrs. Bush and many celebrities.
I was glad to see that there was the fan fare that included the United States as a wonderful country and we should be proud to be an American. Let me tell you I AM. Yes there was a screw up in singing the National Anthem. You know what? There is no excuse for it. Christina has sung this song many, many times and just because millions of people were watching in no excuse to forget the words. SHE IS A PROFESSIONAL!!!!! I hope they didn't pay her for singing.
Don't really know the Black Eyed Peas but it is said that the half time show was the worse on in history. I agree.
The game itself was not the game I had expected but lets just say that the best team won. I could just imagine the celebration in the streets of Green Bay last night and I hope that they didn't go crazy and destroy the city.
One thought came to mind is that is the winning team going to Disney World like in the past years. I don't recall seeing any commercials indicating that.
Can't wait for next years season to start again and the next Super Bowl, maybe the Chicago Bears won't mess it up again next year and be part of the Super Bowl.

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