Friday, February 4, 2011


Well the weatherman was right for a change so he should be paid. It started snowing around 2 pm on Tuesday and finally stopped around 2 pm on Wednesday with an accumulation of around 21 inches. Haven't seen this much snow in years. It's pretty and it is also a pain in the neck.

I live in a duplex so I don't have to worry about shoveling and since I am 70 years of age I didn't have anywhere to go so I stayed home and watched all the goings on from my window.
There was no plowing done on Tuesday or Wednesday, but on Thursday it began with bob cats going from driveway to driveway and eventually there was nowhere to pile the snow

My hat is off to the many who worked on getting our streets and driveways clean. They put in some long hard hours.
I have posted some pictures such as from my front door, patio door and pictures of the robins in the tree in front of my house. This is mid winter and I can't figure out why the robins are here.
They usually don't show up until spring.

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