Monday, April 7, 2008


Do you remember when you were a kid, for me that was a long time ago, and you were going someplace special. The zoo, on vacation or even shopping. These were probably special things in your life. Well I have to tell you that even at my age, I won't tell, certain events bring me back to the excitement of my childhood. This particular event is coming up shortly and that is the opening of the Yogi Bear Camp Resort where I have a camper. Shortly the water will be turned on, the gates will be opened the snow birds will be returning from parts where it was warm during the winter and friends will once again be gathering around a campfire with tales of the past winter. It will be good to see these friends after a long winter, take rides in my golf cart, take walks and fish in the lake behind my camper. My granddaughters are really looking forward to it too and will enjoy the planned activities they provide for the youngsters. They too enjoy the nightly fires when they can roast marshmallows and hot dogs and sample all of the other goodies that are brought to the fire by others. At times we will have about 15+ people at our fire, young and old. A good mixture of folks. The nice thing is that it is just a little over an hour to get there. Right down Rt 30, East to Plymouth, In. Can't wait to get there.

1 comment:

Silly Willy and Fluffy said...

Lady Andie, We wish your summer to be filled with fun, laughter and happiness in your camping experience.
We have been camping for many years. In fact, we made our experience a full time adventure. We are in our 8th year on the road entertaining.
Best Wishes to you.

Silly Willy and Fluffy (The Clowns)

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