Wednesday, February 20, 2008


For all you wonderful people who are following the Debbie posts, I received the latest update last night and things are still improving. They were able to reduce her oxygen to 50% yesterday which is down from 100% the day before.. She is now on dialysis which the doctors are still saying that it will be a short term thing. She is now showing more neurological signs such as moving her eyelids and was able to raise her arm by herself. They are going to try and bring her out of sedation today and see how she does with it. The really good news is that the transplant surgeon said on Sunday night he had considered her as having no chanceof survival. Now he has changed his mind and says at this point it is at 50%.

I continue to ask you wonderful folks to continue your prayers for Debbie. They seem to have a positive effect on her.

Thank you and God Bless you.

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