Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Although the weather here was cold I still got out of the house for a while because cabin fever was setting in. Where did I go? Probably places that wouldn't interest most of you but I got there to see I can find things to sell on eBay. Yes on eBay. Being old and retired I have to do other things besides blog. I went to some Thrift Stores in search of treasures and treasures I did find, one being a large bag of Sesame Street small figures, Disney figures and others I don't know who they are yet. There must be a hundred pieces in this bag. I'm thrilled. Another treasure I found was a huge car with Goffey in a car and the bag he came in is just chuck full of pieces and other animals. I haven't opened it yet but am biting at the bit to open it. I keep telling myself, one thing at a time, one thing at a time. Maybe tomorrow. Naaah. After I found my treasures I treated myself to lunch at McDonalds. Say an attractive women at the table next to me. Almost talked to her. The only thing that stopped me was that her husband showed up. Oh well. After I ate I came home and read the paper. Great Day.

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