When you visit http://www.cleardebt.co.uk/ you can apply for a IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement). You can do this by taking their Quick ClearDebt Aanlyser to see if you qualify. Even before you apply you have access to their Debt Repayment Calculator to help you determine how you can clear your debt and become debt free. At this site you can see others who have done this and read their stories. They can do several things for you such as cut your debts, in some cases by 50%, freeze the interest that you pay, give you free debit advice and best of all LEGALLY PREVENT CREDITORS FROM TAKING ACTION AGAINST YOU. And if approved, up to 70% of your debt could be written off. Debt Management is not a bad thing it is a good thing that could get you debt free in five years.
If I were you and you have a considerable amount of debt sign into http://www.cleardebt.co.uk/ and let them help you.
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