Wednesday, February 27, 2008


If you have had an accident of any sort, traffic, work related or fell down in a store or someones home you are entitled. Compensation is no just contained to accidents. If you contracted a disease or illness at your workplace you might be entitled to compensation as well.

I had a family member who was injured on the job. He was out of work for some time and was entitled to compensation. What he didn't do was contact the right people to help him. Those he did secure for help took their time about doing things and in the end he lost out. Oh sure, he did get a monetary settlement but it wasn't through the people he hired, it was a small settlement given by the company. Don't let this happen to you. There is a company that is good at what they do and that is settle Accident Claims. That company is Keypoint and they can be reached at By going to this website you can have all of your questions answered. If you can't finds the answers you are looking for call them at 0800 294 1700 and talk to one of their specialist advisors, go online and fill out the assessment form in a three step process. 1. tell them about you, 2. thell them about your claim and 3. submit. See easy as 1,2,3.
The nice thing about this whole thing is that it is NO RISK. If they don't win, it costs you nothing. Now how good of a deal is that. Remember Accident Claims or anything else go to and let them help you.

Keypoint is a division of Beresfords Solicitors LLP, a name that has established itself in the compensation industry.

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