Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It was a quiet day in the lunchroom of the Shiner, Texas school where my grandson Spencer goes. The temperature outside was 84 degrees with a nice breeze but inside it was a little warmer. The future leaders of our country who are now in the first, second and third grade were eating their lunch and enjoying the time away from class. The calm was broken when a grilled cheese sandwich went sailing thru the air and found it's target, a young man by the name of Jason. Did he retaliate? Yes he did returning fire with a fully loaded cheeseburger as did others at his table. Spencer being proud of his shot was bragging that he cast the first stone and fired again with a piece of pineapple. Soon others got into this food fest and it took some time to settle these future leaders down. When asked who started it, all fingers pointed to my grandson Spencer. Mom got a call from the principal asking permission to give him five swats on the butt with the paddle for his starting the food fight. Spanking is allowed in Texas with the permission of the parent. Mom not believeing what she was hearing said no to the spanking and she would take care of it when he got home. I must say Spencer spent a considerable amount of time standing in the corner and doing extra choirs around the house. He really is a good boy. Oh by the was Spencers defense was that his friend sitting next to him told him to do it.

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